What is Kum
Kumdo is a Korean Martial Art that translates to "the way of the sword". Kumdo, closely related to the Japanese
form called Kendo, is a Korean Marital Art that teaches one to use a sword.
Beginning students will learn Kum Do using a bamboo sword (juk do) and a wooden sword (mokum). Once a student
heas earned their Black Belt, they will begin to use a real sword (jingum). Students will also learn that there is more to Kum Do than just using a sword. They will learn that to be
successful, one must combine the three elements.
By combining all three elements, a student will be displaying what is called "ki"kum-chae". Finally, Kum Do is a martial art that does not rely on size or strength. In other martial arts, if one is fit and strong, they will often beat an opponent. During a fight, a person can take a hit or kick and come back to win the battle. In Kum Do, a person would not get a second chance if struck with a sword. So in Kum Do, spirit, attitude, and inner strength will often defeat an opponent who is bigger and stronger.